
Watchtower Strategy

The Watchtower serves the simple black and white man. This is the person who is happy if he can carry something home in black and white. Just as little boys feel comfortable and triumphant when they have stuck the football photos of a club into their album, so Jehovah's Witness collects the literature of the Watchtower Society and sorts it neatly sometimes in one corner, sometimes in the other.

The fact that Jehovah's Witness cannot do much more with this literature than this constant rearrangement of the booklets and books is proved by the forced study hours that take place several times a week, which drag him through these texts piece by piece, word by word, paragraph by paragraph and page by page. In these study periods, the texts are read down together as in the lowest level of a primary school. Questions are asked and answers given at regular intervals. These questions are already given in the booklets and – who wonders – the answers.

Thus the hours of the Bible study, which are actually only watchtower studies, flow slowly and one winds down the texts mechanically and without visible participation, in order not to be disfellowshipped from the community of "true worshipers".

This mechanized approach is not only an external sign of the spiritual dullness of the Watchtower teachers from America who build the Watchtower, but it is also a clear symbol of the content of the Watchtower teaching. This Watchtower doctrine is inside as hollow as a skull and only mechanistically based on the purely human understanding of the Bible. There is no enthusiasm, no kneeling gratitude, no love arising from the Holy Spirit, no divine fulfillment, no spiritual experience.

In these mechanical study hours of Jehovah's Witness, there are only cheap scratchy Sunday suits, decent dresses, creaking chairs, rustling carpeting, and lots of bone dry literature that doesn't go to the heart. And there is regularly this synchronous rustling of leaves when Jehovah's Witnesses look up biblical passages on command. The head-believer (what a contradiction!) is desired in these groups. Anything that is not head-believing goes very quickly by itself or is eliminated.

While the entire Bible blatantly demands that man should approach God with his heart, the Watchtower Society is building a tower consisting exclusively of human cerebral cortex building blocks to lead directly into fellowship with Jehovah. This purely man-spirit-oriented self-rescue strategy is based on the speculation of a Lord Russell who did not consider it necessary to use faith in Jesus for salvation as Jesus would have it.

The Watchtower itself writes about this Mr. Russell, the cornerstone of so many unfortunate and lost lives: "At the age of 18, C. T. Russell started a Bible study group and developed a methodical Bible study. A. H. Macmillan, who researched the Bible together with Russell, described the method as follows: Someone asked a question. It was discussed. All related biblical passages were looked up, and when one was then convinced of the agreement of these texts, one explained what conclusion one had come to. Russell was convinced that the Bible as a whole had a harmonious, coherent message that also coincided with the nature of its author – God. Difficult to understand passages in the text would be illuminated and interpreted by other passages from the Bible".

This was the beginning of the stamping out of the ground of an organization (which Rutherford did in a most worldly way later) that consistently and systematically banished the factor of faith from people's lives. All factors are screwed down to the dried up school desk presser in order to bring as many followers into this organization as possible. The idea that Jesus himself could actually speak to a human being was not only suppressed from consciousness, but also presented as absurd for caution.

Thus the Watchtower Society is certainly the best trained Bible connoisseur community. But the Bible experts trained by the Watchtower all have a common sign. They don't really have anything to do with Jesus. They are fixated on a theoretical human doctrine and can no longer act from their heart, let alone approach Jesus or react with faith.

So Jesus stands at the door and knocks and knocks and knocks and knocks and knocks and knocks and knocks and knocks and knocks and knocks.

Jehovah's Witnesses don't hear him. Because they have to rearrange the notebooks and books. She has brought the Watchtower Society to do this. They can only rearrange books and notebooks. When Jesus meets them, they do not recognize him. – And the colorful pictures in the slave's notebooks depict Jesus quite differently. They cannot perceive his knocking and are immune to it at all times. They are so busy with their learning and preaching that they have no time to talk to Jesus. But that is not possible. That is even forbidden with Jehovah's Witnesses.

The Watchtower Strategy can be reduced to a single point. The Watchtower is about finally putting the Bible into practice. In order not to be dependent like a Christian on Jesus blessing him, the uncertainty factor Jesus and faith in him are carefully removed. From this follow those "moral" demands made on Jehovah's Witnesses. It is only a matter of hourly fading, line loyalty, salesmanship, cultivated appearance and the strict assumption that the faithful and intelligent slave has replaced Jesus in this world.

This non-wait-and-see, this no longer existing hope for Jesus has also led to the embarrassing timings of the Watchtower Society.

Now, as a believing Christian, one could assume that the Jehovah's Witnesses themselves had worked for the fruit of their stupidity and thus earned it. But they are only seduced who – like you and I – have been searching for God before. They may be trained in penetrating ignorance of the Word of God, but they are human beings. They are people that Jesus loves.

Therefore, be called to talk with these lost ones.
