
Theocratic dictatorship

by ruhepol

Even though Jehovah's Witnesses do not want to go to heaven, they have an extremely "imperfect" wrangling of power. Those who are male are always admonished (they say encouraged) to strive for a ministry, elders. But this can only become someone who is brain-manipulated (they call it trained and studied) in the sense of the provided "spiritual food," the Watchtower, and writings produced by the same editor. He must not even think of criticism of any utterance from above and must be able to doctrinate his now acquired concept of "true life" and "spiritual paradise" to others.

And then they think (sometimes encouraged at congresses) about what leadership role they will play in the "New Order," that is, in the world after the extermination of us "unbelievers" and "evil" and "worldly".

Maybe they could become princes! The internal power struggle of "true Christians" is like this. Even the ladies, who want to be eager, have nothing better to do than to reprimand young girls, who are e.g. sometimes enthusiastic about belly-free wearing, and to grumble at them and condemn them.

I was locked up for 40 years in "truth" and am now locked out (or excluded, as the "true Christians" like to call it).

Even the "faithful" patriarchs of primeval times and old times should get a material body again and walk again on earth. According to the Watchtower doctrine, these should probably receive a higher position in a more princely way than the remaining Jehovah's Witness Armageddon survivors.

Maybe there will be polygamy and slavery and mass killings again. Many acts of faith of prehistoric times are limited to the execution of religious enemies. This will probably remain a disruptive potential until the end of the "1000 year reign", because despite the annihilation of us evil ones, all those who died prematurely who had not yet touched the Watchtower would get a second earthly chance.

At this point the paradox: For 140 years now they have had the watchtower and offer it. According to their doctrine, those who will die in Armageddon because they did not believe in the Watchtower remain in eternal annihilation. The people who could have gotten to know the Watchtower 140 years ago and had no interest in it – now they are not so sure, they say they had no instruction. So if they died before Armageddon, they could rise again. When someone really has died, and the Jehovah's Witnesses visit their relatives, they supposedly want to give them comfort and report about the hope of resurrection with some Bible texts and the Watchtower.

Is God an unjust God because He treats those who were murdered in Armageddon differently from those who died before? Or do Jehovah's Witnesses lie to people with their consolation and promise false hope for the dead? Twenty years ago I was told that this is why God lets those He wants to destroy in Armageddon live so long. Maybe that's why we already have so many 100-year-olds?

Now this religious self-righteousness and the arrogance of the "elders chosen by God" and the claim to "sole truth" and the "only religion recognized by God" are enough for me. I don't even want to live in a world (certainly not "eternal") that is to be ruled by power-obsessed and self-opinionated Jehovah's Witnesses later "in the name of the 144000 + 1 from heaven". In a world that dismisses its own thinking as a forbidden philosophy and regards a "theocratic" dictatorship, but according to the earthly interpretations of dearly loved prohibitions and commandments, as the solution for the human family.
