
Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 175

New Jehovah's Witness directive: get out of here right now!

Jehovah's Witnesses in their collective behavior

Jehovah's Witnesses are proud to be perfectly organized, and they interpret this collective soldiering as a sign that their organization is led by God. But they don't realize that their Jehovah "God" cannot be God because this Watchtower Jehovah forbids contact with Jesus. And they can't understand that their collective behavior is the easiest way to draw conclusions about the despair of their leaders. Jehovah's great organization makes itself unintentionally easy to see through and reveals its cumbersome and clumsy attempts at damage limitation.

The current stitch is: If the type with the laminated A4 sheets appears, Jehovah's Witnesses must have disappeared by now. The Wiesloch Jehovah's Witnesses followed this code of conduct so closely that I had to think of an early warning system. I saw two Jehovah's Witnesses, who must have stood in front of the Schleckerruine, disappearing around the corner and I was sure that they could not have seen me yet. Then other Jehovah's Witnesses appeared, all of whom did not line up with their religious literature because they had seen me in the pedestrian zone.

The background comes very close to the Bruchsal situation. It is to be prevented in principle that someone holds up DIN A4 sheets, dismiss religion as human work and point to the Salvation through Jesus. The statement "Religion cannot save! Only Jesus saves!" seems to disturb the great and powerful very much. Slowly it becomes clear that even Jehovah's Witnesses are frightened away by the great and powerful when it comes to preventing the holding up of such DIN A4 sheets. The fact that the Watchtower Society is participating in this strategy without resistance raises ugly assumptions.

Under the unexpected pressure of this harmless announcement, "Religion doesn't save, only Jesus saves," Jesus buckles the Jesus defamation industry and intervenes in actions that affect even Jehovah's Witnesses. When ecumenism calls, brought into existence by a Freemason, even the Watchtower organization is startled and bravely strikes its heels together. For these people, the public call to consider Jesus and his work is a horror vision. The harmless holding up of these thought-provoking impulses causes the great and powerful to take actions that even betray the Watchtower Society as their subordinates. It is surprising that the Watchtower Society is touchable by the pinpricks of ecumenism and suddenly reaches for the ecumenical blanket. The American religious corporation, which otherwise so skilfully and ice-coldly lets questioning people run aground, gets through the violation of ecumenical interests into an almost helpless reaction, which only exposes him, the religious colossus, and betrays him as a garden gnome of ecumenism.

The practical experience that countertheses to the Watchtower doctrine have far less effect than simple appeals that attack ecumenical sovereignty opens our eyes to the fact that the Watchtower Society is only a planned counterpole of religions integrated into the overall game. All religions make Jesus a joke. All religions have for some time been under the leading hand of the Catholic Church of ecumenical guidance or attempts at guidance. Among the unchristian religions this ecumenical "progress" is not yet socially established. Only Christian ministers are largely financially dependent on ecumenically oriented institutions. The ecumenical Kraken has Christianity under control, while it still tries to bind all other religions of the world to itself. But that such a simple hint as "religion does not save, only Jesus saves" lures ecumenists so out of reserve that they expose the Watchtower Society as their backyard servant is really astonishing.

Hopefully many Jehovah's Witnesses will realize as soon as possible that they are not serving the Watchtower Society, but are in reality deeply involved in the ecumenical system. Then they will realize that they have been duped. Then they can judge whether the former slave from Brooklyn is a liar or not. Then a spell is broken whose double bottom has become double rotten.
