
Mark given on right hand or forehead

The new world order in three stages

There is an announcement in the Bible for the end times. It says that all people will be registered.

Revelation 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name

Implementation in three stages

Stage 1: First trial by the Watchtower Society

Since about 100 years an artificial religion exists, which practices exactly this human administration within its circles. It is the Watchtower Society. In all religions and faith communities of this world a certain uncontrolled fluctuation is permitted. Whether this concerns the inner retreat or the change from one group to another, no one is really forced to register here and there. Only in the Watchtower Society is there a comprehensive human administration, as implied in the Bible. Those who even have only their own thoughts on teaching are immediately excluded from the Watchtower Society. This captivity of the mind is refined from year to year in the Watchtower Society and taken to its extremes.

Also, the exclusion itself is operated in this procedure as inaccurately and as unfoundedly as possible. The greatest shock that the excluded often experience is the absurd explanation of their exclusion and the lack of logic. As an excluded person, one notices that the arbitrariness of this human control stands far above factors such as logic and truth. Submission, which in this way even takes place in being excluded, is a very special experience for the exiled, because they realize that in one way or another they could not have influenced a millimeter of their fate. Only the absolute conformity protects against surprises and the brain belongs to the garbage.

Stage 2: Secular application by the social media

While politicians of Islamic coinage in Europe are allowed to legally and publicly spread their disparaging attitude towards everything that is not Islam and thus practice the hate speech quite openly and bluntly, people on Youtube, Facebook and the like are allowed to express less and less justified criticism. The reason for exclusion and for being cut off from public life on the Internet is called hate speech and nobody really knows what it means. As soon as the truth expressed in the social media concerns a terrible tragedy, such as protected child abuse in the Watchtower society, the critic can simply be blocked without giving details.

This desired ambiguity of the reasons for exclusion is strongly reminiscent of the method of the Jehovah's Witnesses, which has been continuously refined for many decades. As the Jehovah's Witness suddenly finds himself confronted with an absurd and often even contradictory reason for his exclusion, the Youtuber or Facebooker experiences his annihilation without any real reason. This is a sign of God-like power. The social media enjoy this power and they decide about people like gods. Exactly this practice has been taking place for a long time with Jehovah's Witnesses, whose decision makers, however, are called only princes and not gods.

Both ruling circles – Watchtower Society and social media – are based on the most accurate registration of people.

Stage 3: Final adoption by the One World Government

By flooding the world with people who rape, murder and steal without papers and inhibitions, this very desire for the most accurate registration of all human beings is created. This flooding then finally justifies the implantation of something that the Bible describes as the mark on the right hand or forehead. For the realization of this biblical prediction all national administrations must be dissolved in advance, so that the chaos can take place everywhere beautifully evenly. After the elimination of all national systems of its own, Islam can finally render highly result-oriented services, and inevitably the longed-for comes true: the worldwide call for the chip under the skin or for the tattoo on the forehead. When the suffering of the fat murders and human annihilation, as defined in Islam, overpowers the world, in all men the desire is "caused that all, the small and the big, the rich and the poor, the free and the servants, be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one can buy or sell except the one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name."

The entire logistics of arbitrary exclusion has been extensively tested and optimized in the Watchtower Society and in the social media, so that this desire of the people for the most brutal possible registration can be fulfilled directly and without problems at the given time. The World Government, which will then have existed for some time, will be able to implement this matter from Monday to Tuesday, because over many, many years all this has already been done extensively. Even the causeless, logic-free elimination of the unpleasantly felt participants will then be subject to long-term testing by the Watchtower Society and social media. And the people will not only be accustomed to this senselessness, but they will welcome it if the others are simply eliminated without any legal obligation. One benefits from this oneself.

The Marking Practice

If you then push your shopping cart to the checkout at the discount store, the cashier will receive a signal from a certain distance that you don't have to scan your goods at all. Because your account has been blocked. At that time there will be no more cash and the person will generally only be perceived as an account. Because you did not correspond to the desired framework and dared to express your thoughts, you were switched off with one click on the central computer of the world government. You will then no longer have the opportunity to procure even the slightest bit to satisfy your needs, and you will have to live underground like a criminal for the short time you will survive.

Imagine the panic of saying or thinking something wrong. It will be a celebration for the world power. Left green is then the colour of all good humanity and nobody will leave! Nobody. And those who by mistake dare to think for themselves will then be wiped out on the good old evolutionist tour. That is the solution to all problems. Ordo from Chao! The downfall of all hate speech is guaranteed.

The end of the banana

The Watchtower Society and social media practice with diligence and fervour what the Bible predicts for the people of the Last Days. Better, you'll notice sooner than later. I can't help it.

This video has also been deleted. It contained criticism of Youtube.

Hello Ruediger Hentschel,

Our Community Guidelines describe which content is allowed on YouTube and which is not. Your video "Again, Youtube is blocking a video about child molestation in the Watchtower Society" has been submitted for review. We have determined that your video has been found to violate our guidelines. That's why we removed this video from YouTube. In addition, your account has received a warning for violating our Community Policy or a temporary penalty.

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The YouTube Team

Another video has also been blocked:

How do you do?

we have received a legal complaint regarding your following video:
Jehovah's Witness in a dilemma: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXL0HGq4Xy8

We have reviewed the complaint and will no longer display your content on the YouTube country page for Germany in accordance with the legal provisions on hate speech or political extremism applicable in Germany.

In some cases, YouTube restricts content to ensure compliance with local laws. You can find more information in our help article on the German Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG).

The YouTube-Team

The day after that: Account deletion, channel cancelled

Hallo Ruediger Hentschel,

Our Community Guidelines describe which content is allowed on YouTube and which is not. Your video "Mass Pedophilia in the Watchtower Society" has been reported for review. The review found your video to be in violation of our guidelines. Therefore, we have removed this video from YouTube. Your account also received a warning for violating our Community Policy.

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We stand up for the right of free expression of each individual user. This also applies to opinions that are not particularly popular. However, YouTube will not tolerate hate speech under any circumstances. Distinguishing whether or not certain content is hate speech is not always easy. If you are not sure which category a video belongs to, please refrain from publishing it. Further information can be found here.

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Many greetings

The YouTube-Team

The joke is that Youtube confirms the content of this page in the finest way.


The bar code, the vaccination, the mark!

Dagmar E. [December 25, 2021]