
Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 329

JW.ORG – MURDER.ORG – Jehovah's Ruminants Congress in Reutlingen

With angry screaming three-year-old

The last photo shows the parking lot attendant, which I strangely didn't dare to pass. It's a strange feeling to recognize from such a little thing what the confrontational situations with Jehovah's ruminants do to yourself. The natural reaction of Jehovah's ruminants – as I know and am used to – is to call the police, lie, make false accusations and in one case even physical violence. First I asked the people in the adjacent riding stable if there was a second way to the congress hall. There was no second way and so I walked very slowly on the property of the stables towards the parking lot attendant Jehovah's. He turned his back on me at the right moment so that I could continue my way to the Jehovah's Congress Hall relieved.

The dimensions of Jehovah's congress hall in Reutlingen correspond to those of a somewhat larger free church elsewhere. In other words, a flourishing free church somewhere in the world as a single congregation has at least as much space as the Watchtower Society at Jehovah's congress location in Reutlingen. Jehovah's congress concept in Reutlingen rather reflects the situation 50 years ago or shows that the Watchtower Society does not expect growth at all. The practice of the Watchtower religion confirms the second: The apostasy of Jehovah's Witnesses – an anti-Christian strategy to punish Jesus lies – system with built-in apostasy.

Jehovah's guard at the entrance was very friendly to me. I reacted very sparingly to him and walked very slowly past him and around the congress hall. A three-year-old child screamed angrily. Not like on a spit, but just very angry. He was completely ignored by his mother on the way to Jehovah's congress hall. The child walked behind his mother like a robot machine with stomping steps. The screaming was heartwarming. It expressed all the pain about the human alienation being practiced in the Watchtower Society. This child screamed from my heart!

A man with a full beard (!) cooled down on the wall outside. Women pushed their children in the pram through the scorching heat. What must it be like in the congress hall when mothers prefer to expose themselves and their children to the scorching heat?

Most of the guests I saw from outside at the Jehovah's Congress in Reutlingen were children. Not recruited people, but simple biological offspring. It is a frightening thought that all these innocent children are inevitably forced into the Watchtower religion. Terrible!

Back at the entrance of the congress property I was greeted super friendly by the guard of Jehovah. He reached out his hand and introduced himself to me. Gross! I thought if I told him my name now, he'd pull out the stick. That's why I just said, "Hello". He asked me if I didn't want to look into the congress hall. I answered him that I was too scared to go in there. Then I made it clear that Jesus is God. In the first commandment, the Bible forbids another God. And the New World translation comes around the corner with another God in John 1:1. This shows that the New World translation is a lie. The Jehovah's Keeper could not reply.

From the loudspeaker one heard again and again: "Worldwide Brotherhood! Worldwide Brotherhood! Worldwide Brotherhood! Let us go into prayer ..."

In response to his friendly invitation, I also asked him if this new horror video would not be used? He said, "Think of Lot's wife!" But that's not a horror video. I told him it was a fact that no one today is in danger of becoming a pillar of salt. I could not see his eyes behind the sunglasses.

When I left after a short time – my stay there will not have lasted longer than 20 minutes – a Jehovah's ruminant came towards me with a big travel bag and greeted me very friendly. I returned his greeting by saying that apart from the Jehovah religion, there is no religion with cannibalism regulations anywhere in the world. He asked what that would matter. I explained to him that Jehovah's ruminants (of course I took the normal expression I'm not allowed to use here because of Google) don't drink human blood. Therefore, one must necessarily conclude that the Watchtower Society's cannibalism rules were created only to allow people to bleed to death. In the end I shouted:

It took about 30 seconds for Jehovah's ruminant to call after me: "Have a nice day! Nevertheless!" This greeting gives Jehovah's ruminants the wonderful feeling of being Christian, but only expresses that they will never accept the truth. With this super-friendly greeting they express that they will never acknowledge facts as long as their mother, the Watchtower Society, stands against it. The greeting "One more beautiful day" from the mouth of a thing of Jehovah says only one thing, namely what everyone knows by the abbreviation "LmaA". And that's exactly what makes them complicit in everything the Murder.Org does. He who is loyal to a murderer is murderer.
