
Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 353

Jehovah's Witnesses in Bruchsal and Heilbronn

Are some of Jehovah's hemorrhaging advertisers AWAKEN?

Fat and thin, big and small, poor and rich, young and old, let themselves be persuaded to do some things. What they allow themselves to be persuaded to do usually takes over the upper hand in their lives only temporarily. In general, fraud, which could not be averted, fades relatively quickly. The wound heals and you remember it later, the story tells perhaps in illustrious company, at parties, visiting old friends and so on. Then at the end there is always the question concerning all people: How could I make this blatantly wrong decision back then?

Homework: Give a reason why many Jehovah's Witnesses do not recognize their religion as deception throughout their lives. A single building block to the foundation of the Jehovah's Witnesses lunatic is sufficient. Do not try to explain the Watchtower system. Give only one or two reasons why Jehovah's Witnesses must remain hopeless in their error. Use the comment function to announce your result.

In Bruchsal, Jehovah's Witnesses have recently become frighteningly invisible. Is this a tactic of the paradisiacal Watchtower Society to prevent further enlightenment in the pedestrian zone? Or could it be that Jehovah's Witnesses in Bruchsal have actually realized that they've only ever advertised Jehovah's serial murder machine? Can Jehovah's Witnesses fall into Angela Merkel mode and simply ignore the problems and sit out? Can Jehovah's Witnesses permanently turn their consciences away in favor of the theocratically trained conscience that destroys human lives because of the sacred blood in which life resides?

Homework: Ask each Jehovah's Witness why the blood that life is in is reason enough for him to destroy life by the Watchtower hemorrhage death.

Heilbronn also almost without Jehovah's Witnesses

Also in Heilbronn the flood of bleeding death advertisers has strongly decreased. While the Deutsche Bundesbahn still offers these people a protected forum to recruit even more death row candidates, the poor Jehovah's Witnesses are reluctant to pedestrian zones where they know someone could hold up dangerous signs. But at least one pair of Watchtowers got lost in the pedestrian zone of Heilbronn and had to walk for miles in front of me as convicted seducers to false doctrine.

The man turned around and told me to do some research first. Then I told him: "Jehovah's Witnesses do not drink human blood! Then why do they need a cannibalism law that the Bible doesn't even know? – Only to be able to kill people!" Then the hike began from the pedestrian zone over the Neckar bridge, then along the Neckar and into the concrete desert of some anonymous skyscrapers. What kind of people are these who are sure they have the truth, but avoid simple statements and try to avoid any kind of attention? Aren't they like Catholic priests who claim the wafer to be the body of Christ after the magic of the stall?

Homework: Go with the signs "Jehovah's Witnesses bleed to death" and "Internet Search: Jehovah Serial Murder" to Jehovah's Witnesses and accuse them of reading them so that everyone – including passers-by – can read these signs.

After I had returned from the expedition to the outskirts of Heilbronn, I rode the folding bike a few more times up and down the Heilbronn pedestrian zone. There were no more Jehovah's Witnesses I would have liked to help. Only on the way home did I see a watchtower cart with a Turk or a Spaniard in front of it at a large market square. Unfortunately I could not stop there and the serial murderers of Jehovah were apparently already on their way to the Kingdom Hall to deposit the rolling hemorrhage there.

On the one hand, the Jehovah evil rears up as recently in Wiesloch, on the other hand, the series of serial murder advertisers of Jehovah thin out.

Homework: Go to the next Kingdom Hall, ask the Jehovah's Witnesses and tell me how the loss of their serial murder advertising is internally justified and assessed.

If you don't do your homework, you get an A from me. And that, although I am not a humanist who tolerates everything, including religious serial murder, for example.
