
Watchtower Society – Clarification No. 316

Duesseldorf: Jehovah's Witnesses Alarm

... as if they had been prepared

He has fought all his life for his survival in our society in our beautiful Germany. Jesus is a stupid fairy tale for him. I totally understand him. I have the conflict to have experienced with this Jesus something that tells me: There is more than our society in our beautiful Germany. Much more. And so different that Normalo can't do anything with it. But also not wants.

Death looks around the corner and we take care of our simplest needs at a high environmental and expectation level. In a noble environment, the simplest care does not lose its priority. At the end of the list of priorities is Jesus, but also his enemies, the Jehovah's Witnesses, who want to heal mankind with their spiritual offer. Not us as individuals, of course, but only humanity as a whole. The holy world is on the program of the Watchtower Doctrine and next door the pensioner dies.

The concept of modern man's life is linked to success, prestige, influence and a certain minimal social factor, which he needs to justify. Not to the justification before God, but only to the justification before oneself. Total failure is an opportunity. It is the chance to get to know Jesus as the one who saves us beyond our human movements. What does Jesus save from? Where does Jesus save us? Everyone has to find this out for himself. Unfortunately, in our modern culture there is no place for the one who says of himself that salvation, true health is to be found in him. Life itself.

As a substitute, we have corporations that earn from our stupidity. The Watchtower Society, which gladly accepts that enlightened sacrifices in life despise them, still finds enough people to mislead them with cunning and intelligence in their quest for meaning. Everything is allowed, except Jesus. Religion, discipline and order, ascent into powerful positions, consolation by feeling we, everything a successful person needs. Jesus is just as deregistered in the religions as he is in modern man, who every day, seeing his failure, has the satisfaction of his basic needs in mind and must have it. The skilfully arranged heresy takes the place Jesus should have and makes Jesus absolutely ridiculous. Those who dismiss Jesus as a joke and a fairy tale with their hearts are already addicted to the Watchtower doctrine, even though they have never become Jehovah's Witnesses. One settles in, profits from secure jobs and cultivated networking, but must and wants to do without Jesus. What does a person need Jesus for if he has his seventh sense, who embeds him in our beautiful society in our beautiful Germany despite all rejection?

Somewhere in Duesseldorf my atheistic friend and I meet the Jehovah's Witnesses. Of course I have my signs with me and suddenly become important. In addition to my friend's clever way of coping with life, something is rising that is slightly crazy, but then still makes an impression despite all the unauthorized behavior. Who would be involved with Jehovah's Witnesses? There! He does it! And the effect is impressive. But the whole thing gains at most the value of a funny intermezzo. One has no interest in Jesus and in those who fight him with their imaginary religion.

The great religious watchtower hope directs the gaze to a paradisiacal earthly life and away from one's own mistakes and sins. The modern man in our beautiful society in our beautiful Germany looks at the justification of himself before himself – also away from his own mistakes and sins. The only one who dares to speak to us about our failure is Jesus Christ. That is why he has no place in the modern human heart and in the Watchtower Society. He could disturb our power circles and the power constellations within the Watchtower organization.

With the make-up of Jehovah's Witness from Duesseldorf, eight square metres of pavement could have been impregnated. The hatred of Jehovah's elite man could have been used to supply a company of soldiers for the next war. Jehovah's hate witness took a picture of me. When I turned the signs around and asked him if he wanted to take another photo, he said: "That's enough for the ad." A fat Jehovah's witness appeared on the screen and was in permanent contact with ... he followed us a few corners away to show his control over us. Again, Jehovah's Witnesses insisted that they should not be photographed. Unfortunately there is no make-up against stupidity and self-deception.

I love my atheistic friend. I love the Jehovah's Witnesses and they love their life lies. Both my friend and Jehovah's liars are far from Jesus. In one of them Jesus is the last nonsense. With the others Jesus is just another God. And in Manchester people die from the Islamist bomb.
