
Again and again "New light"
by the Slave

by "Unknown"

Last summer I observed a spider in the garden, in whose web a wasp had fallen. The wasp fidgeted a lot, and I assumed it would be able to tear the web apart and release it again. As long as the wasp was still strong, the spider held back very much, did not appear, did not behave hostile. But with time the wasp became a bit tired; the spider then used such phases to stalk itself carefully and slowly and from a certain distance to throw further spinning threads onto the wasp. The wasp began to fight again for its freedom, but it became increasingly difficult the more it stuck. Finally came the time when the wasp gave up and barely moved. Now the spider stepped fully on the plan in all its activity. She wrapped the wasp in more and more threads, twisting them over and over again, until it was finally tied to a firm package, with which the spider could then move at will.

The technique of the faithful slave

I was reminded of this event last Sunday at the Jehovah's Witnesses meeting. There was first given a lecture on the necessity to remain always and closely connected with the »slave« and his organization; the whole lecture was a glorification of the so-called »faithful and understanding slave«. It was compared to a diamond over which Jehovah would hold his protecting hand, and it was also shown how the individual witness can and should remain closely associated with this slave by attending meetings, preaching, etc.

The technique of the faithful slave

Nothing new, someone might say; that's true. But the intensity of the requests to recognize the slave, to obey him and to follow him as the instrument of God already reached an unusual climax, which was supported and demanded by the Watchtower (WT) of 1.11.2007, which was considered afterwards. In the article of the WT »The "Deep Things of God" Exploring" the authority, the power of leadership and the presumptuous self-understanding of this slave also became clear as well as the complete dependence of the witnesses on him concerning their salvation and their hope for eternal life. It was repeated once again (page 30, paragraph 13) that the slave consisted of all anointed Christians on earth, with naturally anointed Christians found only in the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses. Every Witness knows that this slave is represented by a group of men who call themselves »governing body«. I will come back to this representation.

The article also mentions 1 Corinthians 2:8-10 (page 27, paragraph 1). When one reads this passage, one realizes that Paul speaks of things that God's Spirit reveals to us. Mind you, God's Spirit, not human Spirit! In verses 14-15, Paul again explains that only a person led by the Spirit of God can understand some things. But he does not say that only a slave class would receive God's Spirit and pass on spiritual knowledge through a so-called guiding body.

But the Watchtower writes this on page 29, paragraph 7: "The deep things of God are hidden from most people because Satan leads them to refuse the help of Jehovah's organization, ...". So only the Jehovah's organization in the form of its governing body has the Spirit of God to understand the deep things of God. Whoever does not accept their help, that is, in plain language does not acknowledge it and does not submit to it, has no chance to understand the will of God or the deep things of God. How should this be called? Hybris, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance?

Of course the organization does not want to say again as clearly as in an edition of »Our Kingdom Service« that one disapproves, even forbids, common and independent viewing of the Bible; for one has one's own Bible reading program which should satisfy the witnesses in all their other duties. Therefore, on page 31, paragraph 17, it is said that personal Bible study projects can be intriguing and faith-building, but must not in any way interfere with the preparation for meetings – nor, of course, with preaching or other theocratic activities.

In any case, they take precedence over the personal contemplation of the Bible. If one knows how much all witnesses are burdened with theocratic activities – hardly anyone can do them all – then one knows what to think of such words as in this WT. Only the slave is important! First the slave comes, then the slave comes again, and then, in third place, comes – the slave.

How the meeting reacted reminded me of my spider experience. A young man, who was present for the first time, stood up in the middle of the watchtower and left the hall, never to be seen again. He was still strong, like the wasp at the beginning, but he managed to become or remain free; the other witnesses listened, gave the given answers, lethargic as mostly (or hid their thoughts); they would not have reacted any differently if the text had been another. The spider could turn her back and forth as she wanted.

Jesus once said of Himself: "He who speaks of himself seeks his own glory" (John 7:18). The slave speaks of himself, of himself and of himself. Jesus said of himself: "I do not take glory from men" (John 5:41). The Pharisees took glory from one another and did not seek glory from God (John 5:44). This led them to a clear inability to believe, but all the more to a desire for power, influence and authority. Who is this slave, Jesus, or the governing body of the Israel of Days, the Sanhedrin?
